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Walking the Walk

September 30th, 2022

Angel came to Durham Nativity four years ago, by his own admission without much in the way of enthusiasm. “I was invited by one of my cousins,” he laughs. Unsure of himself at first, Angel blossomed into a leader on the soccer field and in the classroom. “Even though I wasn’t the most talented student when I came here, I felt like I could come out talented enough to do something with my life.” 

He’s already begun to do something. Angel starts his next chapter at the prestigious Woodberry Forest boarding school. He exemplifies the DNS spirit as he walks the path along which Durham Nativity accompanies its students. We caught up with him before he departed for Virginia:

What does the DNS spirit mean to you?

“It’s about helping each other out. From the moment I got here, I felt like I was being helped. No matter how smart or not smart you are, the goal is to get you to a point where you can do it by yourself.” 

What’s the top thing you’ve learned here?

“To not be scared to take risks. I was always scared to ask a question. At DNS, I think I got more questions wrong than correct, but I also got the most right out of everyone. I learned to ask questions and to ask for help.” 

What do you see for yourself down the road?

“Some things have crossed my mind, like surgery. And of course, something that’s crossed my mind is becoming a professional soccer player and coaching. I’ve always been good at teaching one on one.” 

Tell us about Woodberry. A huge win.

“It’s going to be pretty hard, but I know I can’t waste this opportunity. I’m really excited and open to the idea of this new journey I’m going on. I know the culture will be different, and I will keep my Hispanic heritage close to me right now. For college, I’ve thought about Duke obviously. I’ve also thought about UCLA for sports.” 

Favorite subject?

“I’ve always enjoyed a variety when it comes to knowledge and talents. When it comes to what I do best, it’s math. I’ve also always been interested in writing.” 

What would you want prospective students to know about the DNS brotherhood? 

“One thing I’ve always had, but grew more here at DNS is the importance of working hard. Something I learned here was that the more you teach the more you learn. I learned that here especially my eighth grade year as I got to help out more in the student prefect role and just as an older brother to the younger kids as well.” 

What motivates you?
What’s always motivated me is “what am I missing in life at the moment.” I think going away to boarding school, there’s nothing I won’t do. 

Click here to get involved and support our work with a gift. Your gift builds a robust Durham Nativity School community at the heart of the Triangle as we draw students like Angel along the path to full participation in the life of the community. 

Posted in the category DNS News.